Common Terminology at WSU
a – c
ADCAPS ‐ Alcohol and Drug Counseling, Assessment and Prevention Services
Advisor ‐ School official, usually assigned by your college or university, who will help you choose classes and make sure you are taking the right courses to graduate.
Academic Probation ‐ not maintaining satisfactory academic progress
Alumni ‐ people who have graduated from WSU.
AP ‐ Administrative Professional
ASWSU ‐ Associated Students of Washington State University
Bookie ‐ Student Book Corporation, or the WSU Bookstore.
ASCC – Academic Success and Career Center
CAHNRS ‐ College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
CAMP ‐ College Assistance Migrant Program
Catalog ‐ a document that provides all of the information parents and students need to know about a school
CHP ‐ Center for Health Promotion
CCE ‐ Center for Civic Engagement
CFSL ‐ Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life
Comp ‐ a comprehensive exam
CTS – Counseling and Testing Services
CUB ‐ Compton Union Building
CUE ‐ Smith Center for Undergraduate Education
d – l
Dean ‐ a faculty member that is head of a college or department
Doctorate ‐ Highest academic degree. Awarded after a bachelor’s degree.
ELSM ‐ Department of Educational Leadership and Sports Management
FAFSA ‐ Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Faculty ‐ Teaching staff with the University, typically doctoral level
Fin Aid ‐ Student Financial Services
FERPA ‐ Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
GEISORC ‐ Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center
GPSA ‐ Graduate Professional & Student Association
GA ‐ Graduate Assistant
IFC ‐ Interfraternity Council
IP ‐ International Programs
IT ‐ Information Technology
Instructor ‐ a college teacher ranking below assistant professor.
IM ‐ Intramural Sports
Lab ‐ a space in which students can perform certain functions in controlled situations that help them test and understand what is being taught in the lecture
Lighty ‐ Lighty Student Services Building
Lecture ‐ class where instructor lectures on class material
The Lair ‐ lounge area on the first floor of the CUB
m – p
Major ‐ student’s chosen field of study
Minor ‐ a specific number of credit hours in a secondary field of study
Midterms ‐ During the middle of each semester exams that test students on the material
MSS ‐ Multicultural Student Services
MyWSU ‐ The University’s official student information site. Access at
NID ‐ Network ID (myWSU login, different than WSU ID)
NPHC ‐ National Pan-Hellenic Council
NSP ‐ New Student Programs
OC ‐ Orientation Counselor
Ombudsman ‐ an official appointed to investigate individuals’ complaints against maladministration.
ORC ‐ Outdoor Recreation Center
PAN ‐ Panhellenic Council
Prerequisite ‐ prerequisite course; a course taken in preparation for another course
PreReq ‐ Prerequisites
Provost ‐ the chief academic officer directly below the president at the university
The Pit ‐ Fulmer 226
Professor ‐ a teacher of the highest rank in a college or university.
q – z
RA ‐ Resident Advisor
RDA ‐Resident Dinning Account
RED ‐ Residential Education Director
Registrar ‐ responsible for the maintenance of all academic records
RHA ‐ Residence Hall Association
RSO ‐ Registered Student Organization
SEB ‐ Student Entertainment Board
Syllabus ‐ an outline of the important information about a course.
SLN ‐ Schedule Line Number
SRC/UREC/REC ‐ Student Recreation Center
SSS ‐ Student Support Services
Staff ‐ University support personnel
TCR ‐ Transfer Credit Report
Transcript ‐ a permanent academic record of a student at college
TA ‐ Teaching Assistant
TRiO ‐ Student service programs
TODD AUD ‐ Todd 116
UGC ‐ United Greek Council
UCORE ‐ University Common Education Requirements
Undergraduate ‐ an undergraduate is a student who is pursuing either a one-, two-, or four-year degree.
WSU ‐ Washington State University