More tips for academic success
WSU is committed to students’ success and there is an incredible network of resources in place to help students through their journeys.
Read your textbook
Your textbooks contain a lot of important information that professors expect you to know. Your lectures don’t always cover material from the textbooks. Besides, you probably paid a lot of money for them. Use them. There may also be videos and supplemental material online that can help reinforce the material from your textbook, so ask your professor, or a tutor. Try these tips for effective note taking.
Befriend successful students
The people you hang out with can have a big influence on how you spend your time. Get to know students who are excelling academically and socially. They will help support and guide you. WSU has lots of services available to help you succeed
Break out of your comfort zone
If you are a shy person, try inviting a student you don’t know to a movie or a Cougar game. College is great place to try new things you didn’t have the opportunity to try before so don’t be afraid to branch out. If you’re feeling shy or don’t know what to ask, these resources can help..
Utilize WSU’s resources
There are many offices and departments across campus that offer support services to students. Whether it be tutoring, counseling, health services, career development, or something else, WSU has experts that want to assist you.
Academics come first
This doesn’t mean you can’t have a strong social life, but it does mean you need to spend the time necessary to make progress on your degree. Remember, your No. 1 goal is to graduate from WSU.
Give your mind a break
While it is very important to go to class and devote adequate time for studying, successful students have balance in their lives. Go have fun with your friends once in a while.
Get involved
There are so many ways to meet students, have fun, and at the same time make a difference in our community. Consider joining some clubs that interest you, becoming active in student government, playing intramural sports, or participating in service learning projects.